Facing the Storm

Written and sung by a fictional character known as Flare the Fire Queen. She is a strong and famous female pop-star with the awesome power to control heat, it goes beyond traditional pyrokinesis. She is one of the core members of the Energizers, a group of powerful beings that travel the universe to protect and fight overwhelming threats. She was the last to join due to her hesitation to leave her stage and reveal her powers to the public. She joined with the condition that her identity will be hidden. This didn’t last long after their future nemesis initiated the major invasion of their world. This undefeated nemesis is Negative the Galactic Conqueror, more infamously known as Nega. Nega overtook the Energizers’ home world and exposed Flare to the universe making it impossible for her to cover up or recover. After fighting with the other four core members for over a year Flare sat down and wrote this song. Her passion has always been singing and creating songs with zeal. This time she wanted to create something with her friends even though she expects no one to ever hear it.


It is pleasant In this bed With a blanket Over my head

Merry Melon

It’s a merry mellow melon rolling down the street A very merry melon, that is very neat It’s a very merry mellow melon rolling down the street Yay!

Death to This New Life | Ch 2

Over fifty million are forced into survival by suddenly being pulled into a video game, a fantasy world ruled by power and greed. Each of these survivors is given the chance to build their power to an incalculable degree. Those who fail lose their power and are forced to live under the authority of another. As evil begins to cloud the judgment of these individuals Nathan, some random kid with no understanding of anything that is happening, finds that his power exceeds everyone he meets. Except he doesn’t want the power, he just wants to play the game he’s never played before. He’s heard it’s really good.

Death to This New Life | Ch 1

Over fifty million are forced into survival by suddenly being pulled into a video game, a fantasy world ruled by power and greed. Each of these survivors is given the chance to build their power to an incalculable degree. Those who fail lose their power and are forced to live under the authority of another. As evil begins to cloud the judgment of these individuals Nathan, some random kid with no understanding of anything that is happening, finds that his power exceeds everyone he meets. Except he doesn’t want the power, he just wants to play the game he’s never played before. He’s heard it’s really good.


Negative is the greatest technological genius in the universe; his expertise hardly challenged, whose capabilities stretch the fabric of knowledge and science. His accomplishments demonstrate how far he has come; none before him have ever conquered entire galaxies with impunity or impediment. How does a mere human become such a relentless power, an indomitable threat? For Nega, it’s a story of powerlessness, being the one everyone perceived as weak and helpless, a belief he severely desired to quash.

Her Cage | Ch 1

Vipours, a race of humanoid lizards that live on a desert planet in the Andromeda Galaxy. Yiqua is a little girl whose life is to serve the Gytians. A life unequivocally saved from a horrific existence as a high Gytian politician comes and takes her in to become the galaxy’s next greatest warrior. After finding out how special she is, the Gytians panic doing everything they can to fail her. Forced into a fight for her survival Yiqua tries to rally the rest of her enslaved friends, but a conspiracy revolving around her begins to surface and the very livelihood of the Vipours is at stake. A reality that scares her more than if the Gytians get their hands on her.

NEGA | Ch 2

Negative is the greatest technological genius in the universe; his expertise hardly challenged, whose capabilities stretch the fabric of knowledge and science. His accomplishments demonstrate how far he has come; none before him have ever conquered entire galaxies with impunity or impediment. How does a mere human become such a relentless power, an indomitable threat? For Nega, it’s a story of powerlessness, being the one everyone perceived as weak and helpless, a belief he severely desired to quash.

NEGA | Ch 1

Negative is the greatest technological genius in the universe; his expertise hardly challenged, whose capabilities stretch the fabric of knowledge and science. His accomplishments demonstrate how far he has come; none before him have ever conquered entire galaxies with impunity or impediment. How does a mere human become such a relentless power, an indomitable threat? For Nega, it’s a story of powerlessness, being the one everyone perceived as weak and helpless, a belief he severely desired to quash.