Death to This New Life | Ch 2

(WARNING: This work deals with serious issues that may disturb certain audiences, including sexual assault. Though such acts will not be detailed or described, it will be directly mentioned and referenced which sometimes includes immediately after the act)

Special Agent Parkens opened the door into his office, his eyes droopy and body fatigued from the long flight from the airport. The FBI had him running across the country to figure out some trafficking. After months of investigating he found the crooks responsible and they were now safely secured in lockup. It is about time he got some relaxing done.

He straightened out his tie and strolled up to his chair, collapsing into it. He only needed to read his emails and then he can go home. He filed all his paperwork on the flight in. He sniffed the air indignantly as he logged in to his computer. As much as this wasn’t too tasking it is still work. He wanted to get home to spend some quality time with his family.

The phone on his desk cut his concentration, his subconscious had already snatched it off the hook and placed it next to his ear, “This is Parkens.”

“I need you in my office immediately. Cancel any appointments, this takes top priority.” Then the line went dead.

He recognized the voice. It was the director, his boss’s boss. He stared at the receiver for a few seconds before hanging up and power walking out of his office. It was strange for someone so high up to request his presence, and though annoyed that his trip home was dismissed he couldn’t deny how serious this sounded.

Just as he crossed the room and several other offices another agent came rushing up to meet his pace, Special Agent Leopart, “Henry.” The agent nodded at him. Parkens knew Leopart for years, they were usually assigned together for missions and cases. They worked very well together and an associated dynamic duo. They were considered partners on and off the job, even though they sometimes weren’t assigned cases together. “You get called in too? Must be about the infection.”

Parkens blinked, “What infection?”

With a chuckle, Leopart shrugged, “You sleeping under a rock. The whole nation has gone crazy over it. A few days ago, millions of people went to bed and just wouldn’t wake up in the morning. Completely unresponsive. We’ve even got reports saying some face planted in the middle of the night during a night shift.”

Fear gripped man’s heart, he stopped in his tracks and grabbed Leopart’s arm, “How many?”

“They’re still counting. So far, it’s over fifteen million. I’m surprised you haven’t heard. Everyone is freaking out over it. Thought you would have gotten an email at least.”

Parkens’ eyes drifted into the distance and his pace slowly picked back up again, “I’ve… been very busy, Haven’t checked my email in months.”

His partner nodded, walking alongside him. “I’m not blaming you. Heard you got a big case without me this time. I just figured it might involve this new crisis considering how fresh it is and how urgent the director sounded.”

He didn’t respond. His mind kept winding to his family. Were they infected? What was going on? Life seemed fairly normal when he walked in.

The two came up to the director’s office and Leopart grabbed hold of the door and opened it. The director looked up from his computer to look at the intruders before scowling and taking off his glasses, “You didn’t knock.”

Leopart smiled warmly before waving a dismissive hand, “By recollection, you ordered us in here immediately. I didn’t think knocking was necessary.”

Ignoring the jab the director indicated to the two seats in front of his desk. The two took their seats and Leopart immediately engaged, “So, is this about the virus?”

“Virus? You know something we don’t?”

Parkens and Leopart shared a look before returning their gaze, “I’m afraid I don’t understand sir. I only got here a few minutes ago and hadn’t heard of this infection till Leopart informed me of the situation.”

A scoff escapes the director’s lips as he sat back and put his fingertips together, “The damn administrative bureaucrats are breathing down my neck demanding an explanation, and I can’t give them anything. CDC has been called in and they’ve been trying to round up all the infected and relocate them to centers where they can study it further. The only thing they know is that something is wrong, but nothing indicates how.”

Leopart leaned in, “How do we know it isn’t a virus?”

The director slammed his desk, “Because it isn’t acting like one! Shut your mouth if you don’t understand something! I’m debriefing you!” Leopart raised his arms in surrender and placed them gently in his lap patiently. “As I was saying, this strange disease affected everyone within an hour and it seems indiscriminate. It isn’t infecting only one group: ethnicity, gender, or orientation. It seems completely random and widespread. There are too many outliers and not enough grouped circles to identify an infection vector.”

Parkens raised his arm, “Sorry sir, but I don’t follow on that last part.”

Leopart batted his arm, “They can’t locate its origin point. They don’t know where it came from.”

The director glared at Leopart, but elected not to criticize him, “That’s only the consequence of not knowing. It actually means there is no discernable direction this disease is spreading; like birds migrating south for the winter.”

Parkens nodded, understanding and letting the Director continued, “You two have been tasked with investigating into any angle this strange case may have come from. Get us some answers.”

Humming in thought Parkens pointed at their boss, “How are we suppose to take this, sir? It’s almost like you’re sending us ghost hunting.”

“Everyone’s in the dark! The CDC can’t even get a grip on what this is, and the fact it’s not spreading only worsens the situation! As I said, clearly something’s wrong, but it isn’t acting like any disease we’ve ever encountered! Get us something to go off of! You aren’t the only agents being tasked with this, all agencies are assigning agents to this! Now get going, dismissed!” Without waiting for them to leave the Director took up his spectacles and placed them on his nose before continuing looking at his computer and typing.

The two partners looked at each other and immediately stood up and left. Once outside Leopart closed the door and shook his head, “And our next mission will be hunting sasquatch. Sheesh. How are we even supposed to start this?”

Parkens pulled out his cell and unlocked the screen. “The only thing we can do. This illness seems to only infect specific individuals, otherwise, it would continue to spread. We need to find the link. We can start by visiting local hospitals and ask around.”

His partner nodded, walking alongside him in thought, “We should also contact the other agents assigned to this case, see if we can’t develop a brainstorm or something. I doubt much will come from this though, any backup plans?”

Parkens glanced at Leopart, “Keep an eye on conspiracy sites. I know they’re going to go berserk over this. Most will most certainly blame the government, but some may have a good idea or two about what’s going on. Just give me a moment, I need to call my family and let them know I won’t be making it home till later tonight.”

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