Dancing Hearts

Samantha brought the lavender roses closer to her chest. A slow breath fills her lungs to ease the nerves. The school is exemplified by its spotlights and glamorous signs for tonight’s dance. The time was drawing near, she could tell. Everything she has done leads up to tonight. Bill had asked her here after all. He was so nervous, yet totally excited as he did so. That shy smile sent shivers up her spine, tickling a grin out of her.

A fist bumps her shoulder and her grin widens. She turns to look at the best man she could ever ask for, childhood friend Samuel. He furrows his brows while her sister, Jessy, strolls up behind them, smiling at the two time buddies.

Samuel pats Samantha’s bare shoulders and inspects her dress up and down for any creases or stains in the snow-white fabric. Samantha gazes down at the flowers, confidence wavering. “Are you sure about… giving him flowers? This feels awkward.”

Samuel took the bouquet and repositions it in her hands, much to her amusement. She knew he was trying to alleviate her stress. “I did the perfect research! I got us here with my in-depth and unyielding knowledge, milady.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She chuckled, “Be friends and grow close. I just hope this isn’t, you know, manipulative.”

“Ha!” Samuel pats her arms. “Research! Statistics say he’s more likely to fall in love with you than vice versa. So you already have a good chance. If there is something, we want to bring it out.It’s supposed to be romantic.” He took her shoulders, spun her around, and then shove her toward the school.

She stumbles before turning back to glare at him, andhe had the audacity to just stick up his thumb in encouragement. Jessy, on the other hand, just shook her head at these antics. It isn’t the dance she came here for; she just came as the little sister and support. She couldn’t voice her opinions as she would like. Instead, she smooths the edges of her black dress and follows close behind Samuel.

As they near the building, Samantha notices Bill immediately. He stood at the entrance, nervously handling a bouquet of his own. Her pace quickens and she hops in front of him, presenting her flowers to him.

The cute display elicits a smile from him, eyeing his own flowers in bemusement. “Here, trade.”

The two exchange their vibrant gifts and Samantha couldn’t help but blush as she held her new bundle of life close. Lavender roses. A connection struck her; they gave each other the same roses. Her roses were Sam’s idea. Looking up at Bill, the bright red cheeks while staring at his gift told her everything. Spinning around, she peers into the shrubs sinisterly. Those two would either be super spies on a super mission or lecherous voyeurs in watch. Sure enough, Samuel’s and Jess’ heads were poking out from behind a bush. On sight, Samantha’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Samuel looked away, shifting his gaze to mime whistling innocently. She knew it, the rose color has meaning and he fed that idea into Bill. Oddly endearing and she was all the more grateful. She isn’t going to forgive this deception though. She quickly flips him the bird before hiding her act by bringing the roses to her nose eloquently. She doesn’t need Bill noticing their stalkers.

Samuel gags, clutching his chest in feigned pain before flicking his head to ‘flip’ his short bangs in indignation. The young man then snatches Jessy’s arm and tore into the school, howling in pure joy. Jess, though startled, laughs the whole trip up. Samantha has to feel embarrassed for them; all the curious gazes of their fellow students were on the joyous duo. Even Bill chuckled at the rambunctious two. He turns to Samantha, his charming smile flustering her for other reasons.

He offers his hand, “Come on. Let’s join them.”

She couldn’t stop the grin as she took his arm and allows him to guide her inside. The couple walk into the school and immediately join the festivities in the gym. Music already swaying in the air, taking the hearts of the pairs already in the arms of their others.

They drop off their flowers at a table and stroll onto the dance floor. She felt her hand being held as he turns to be in front of her. His other arm wavering at her backside. The nervous hesitation in his face ever so transparent, uncertain if he has her permission. Her heart flutters. She steps forward, wrapping an arm around him to rest on his upper back while nestling her head into his broad chest.  Her eyes close while she basks in the presence of this glow settling her heart.

Bill tensed at her actions, though he quickly acclimates and brought his arm around her all the same. She felt him draw her near in an embrace as they slowly step side to side in the rhythm of calm music. His strong arm securing her to his side brought her safety, and she couldn’t help but feel relaxation overcome the nerves that once fueled her uncertainty.

Together they remain as song by song leaves the speakers and encourage the bond they’re forming. It’s as if it would never end. A life Samantha would gladly live.

A hand lands on Bill’s shoulder, taking the two by surprise and bringing them back to the gym. It’s one of Bill’s many friends, “Hey bro, my girl wants to meet the famous ‘Dock Man.’”

“Wh-what?” Bill wavered. “But I’m…” He looks to Samantha for help.

“Mine too!” Now a whole gang of his friends suddenly appears, surrounding the terrified teen.

Samantha is taken back by their abrupt enthusiasm, but she has to chuckle at their determination. She waves to the group catching everyone’s attention, “Just give him back when you’re done, okay?”

A chorus of agreement and affirmative grunts echoes between them before they eagerly drag poor Bill along with them. Bill’s pleading eyes never left her amused smirk, “Sam!” he cried.

She could only laugh as he disappears to the other side of the gym. It didn’t concern her that the ladies want to see him. In all honesty it was her fault this is happening. More like Samuel’s as he orchestrated it. He organized some photo shoots; magazines were looking for some fresh model and Samuel promised a good one. She took Bill out to the docks and these photographers took an immediate liking to him. It was fun having so much attention together. The unfortunate outcome is this sudden modeling fame. He became known as the “Dock Man” for it. Just mentioning it would turn him beat red.

The memory is dear to her, but after much pondering it sometimes bothers her. It still felt a little manipulative on her end. Samuel is passionate as he is clever and devious. If he researches something it’s because he’s passionate and wants to know everything about it. The fact his plan worked and it brought them closer made her feel as if Bill is being tricked into this.

When in doubt speak to Sam. That’s her motto anyway. She instinctively sought him out and found him at a table with Jessy. They were talking, both with a smile on their faces. Samuel notices her gaze and waves her over.

A jog over and she took the empty seat with them, “Thanks.”

“Bill amusing his fans?” Sam snickered.

She shrugs, “A little.”

Jessy sighs,shifting in her seat. Her eyes caught something on the ground and dove to grab it. She came up and nestles it in into Samuel’s vest pocket, his black boutonnière. He seems surprised at her forthcoming nature, but he sat back and let her. Soon Jessy pats his chest and sat back, “There, better.”

He looks down and admires her work. “Thanks Jess. I’m so careless.” Jessy blushes, turning away with a smile.

Samuel returns his gaze to Samantha, “What’s up? Something bothering ya?”

“Remember the dock pictures?”


“I… we’re not just… tricking him, right? I’m sorry. I know you know what you’re doing. I just…”

“Don’t know.” He finished. She could only nod to his words.

Jessy watches Samuel closely as his nose twitches back n’ forth in thought. He lifts his chair and slides next to Samantha, patting her hand. “Alright, let me inform you. When it comes to relationships a romantic one is a step above a friendship. So, the first step is friendship, that’s why I told you to go for that first.” She nodded in understanding.

He leans in, finger tapping the table. “The difference between a boyfriend and just friend is the level of intimacy, how much he truly cares for you. It should be more than your body.” He reaches out and clutches her hands. “He should care for you because it is you. The part of you no eye can merely see. The outings you go through helps him understand the attachment he’s forming. It’s a bit manipulative, but that’s how it works. After all,” he taps her forehead, “It’s the same with you. Your attachment grows too.”

He let go and sat back satisfied. Samantha snickers, “Yeah that makes sense.” Concern still etches into her face. “But… how do we,” she shifts her hands back and forth between them, “You know. Get to the next step? Right now, we’re still just friends. What do I say to get the ball rolling?”

Samuel leans over onto his cheek coyly, “Do you really need to say anything? I figured actions speak louder than words.”

Stunned, Samantha looks away flustered. “That’s… why would I do that?”

“More trivia!” Samuel claps and vigorously rubs his hands together. “When there’s a mystery, we want to solve it.Same with people. We want to know more. Hello rumors! So, when it comes to next steps, I say you need to be more direct. Guys understand aggression more than vague hints after all.”

“What do you mean? I’ve been aggressive, nothing’s changed.”

Samuel’s eye glints in the pale light, his smile just growing further. “True, but that’s the step you’ve been on all along. The established relationship. That’s where the mystery part comes in play. Something changes making them want to know you even more. In romance it’s always about the next step, it never ends even after marriage. Always have some mystery about you so they continue to want to know more. Just be careful on what changes you make and what mysteries you have as it can equally drop a step as it can progress it.”

“I’m… not sure I understand.”

His tongue clicks as he turns away, pondering. Then his brow raises and his grin forms once more. Samantha felt a strange sense of uncertainty. That’s his ‘I have an idea’ face. Impressive as it is terrifying.

He looks back at her and stood, “How about I show you.” The teen spun around and lands on his knee, offering a hand to his beloved friend. “May I have this dance?”

“Huh? But Jessy.” Samantha turns to her sister who just shrugs. Jess had asked Samuel if she could come along saying she wanted to help him watch Samantha while she dances with Bill.

“Hey, I’m sure my girl won’t mind.” Samuel winks with his right eye.

It took a moment but Samantha figured out his meaning, so she socks him in the shoulder. Laughing, he took her hand and pulls the girl to her feet. Oddly enough she can see what he was talking about. This is different and she’s a bit curious as to what he’ll do next. She wants to know what he’s planning. It somehow made her feel closer to him.

He led her to the dance floor and spun to face her. Though, there’s a little hesitation on her part. She isn’t sure how to treat this. She’s about to dance with her best friend. Throwing caution to the wind she raises her arms to wrap around him. He pauses at the gesture, the confidence vanishing for a split second. Then he snatches her hand and spun her.

She spun, surprised by the outburst. Gazing at him skeptically she watches as he began twisting and turning, his arms swaying viciously to the beat. Then he bumps hips with her and she immediately understood, free dancing. With a laugh she began to follow suit, making sure to watch closely to get in sync.

In no time at all she is swaying when he is and tossing her arms around as he did. They’re moving as one, as if this strange dance had been choreographed beforehand.

The two laugh as they continue on. Many others around them even point or follow suit. In no time at all the whole gym began free dancing, trying to be in sync with the famous dynamic duo of the school, the angelic doll and devious genius. Those who didn’t participate just clap to the tune and cheer for the dancers putting on the show. Samuel and Samantha dance in the front smiling and leading the large group in the background. The moment the song ends everyone’s fist flew into the air and the whole school began their applauds and cheers.

Even Samantha couldn’t hide the smile on her face. She had been with Samuel for a little over twelve years, so it took no time for her to figure him out. In spite of that she could feel their bond being that much stronger. She turns to hug him. “Thanks for that Sam. I had fun.”


She drew away and he cracks his neck. A clenched hand  drawing to his chest. He even licks his lips, eyes cast downward. Samantha blinks, concern growing. He recovers and peers into her eyes. Then winks with his left eye telling her he knows she noticed and that he’s fine. Movement took their attention; Bill came forward clapping. “Of course, you of all people would change the dynamics of a formal school dance.”

Samantha huffs haughtily, crossing her arms. “Of course, we’re rather influential here in this school.”

Samuel threw his arm around her, nodding, “Yup! Sam and Sam, the two Super S’s. Better not get us confused.”

Bill grins, “Of course. I would never. One of you is too cute and the other is too beautiful.”

Samuel gags, staggering away from the bemused Samantha. He silently excuses himself breathlessly and strolls around Bill to rejoin Jessy who welcomes him back with a warm smile and standing ovation. Bill looks back to Samantha, rubbing the back of his neck with an anxious smirk. “So… uh- could we… continue our dat-dance?”

She smiles, taking his hand to walk back toward the center once more with him. Samantha looks over at Samuel. Catching her eye he pumps his fist, sending the message clearly. Aggressive.

Swallowing, she turns back to Bill to quickly wrap her arms around him. Bill stumbles a bit at her forwardness, his muscles immediately tensing with uncertainty. He took her hand and hip and slowly they began to sway back and forth to the music, back into the rhythm. Yet, it didn’t feel right this time. Her heart felt empty at this closeness, a feeling she couldn’t identify. Why? Because it was nothing more than the established relationship. What is there she could do for the next step? What mystery does she have he doesn’t know? Something mysterious yet inviting. She shut her eyes, pondering her next move. The idea that came made her cheeks heat up and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Her lips fold inward so she could begin to chew them.

“You, okay?” She looks up at Bill. He noticed, and he knew that’s what she did when there was something she wanted to say.

Pausing she took a breath, “Could we… change positions?” Her blush worsens with the obnoxious butterflies.

“What do you mean?” A hint of concern laced those words.

She pats his chest, smiling warmly up at him, “I want to dance like this.” She took his hands and lowers them to her hips. Bill stiffens; breath caught in his throat as his hands tremble where they rest. Doing her best to ignore the increasing nerves, Samantha brought her arms over his head and strung around his neck in a light embrace, slowly finding the rhythm to the song. Bill’s eyes could hardly stay in any one place. They obviously did everything to avoid looking at her, his body trembling at her touch.

“B-Bill.” She mused. His eyes froze, coming to rest on her irises. “Could you… watch me?” Her cheeks must look like tomatoes, even in this dim light.

His jaws clench, and he licks his dry lips, “Sure.” His crimson face matching her’s, but now his eyes focus solely on her. The tension left the two of them as they drew closer to each other. Her heart is racing; beating so hard the music is just quiet noise in her mind. Still, they aren’t progressing. She feels closer, but why didn’t he take the next step? Her eyes caught the two at the table, Sam and Jess watching earnestly. Sam’s voice echoing in her mind. Be aggressive, no vague hints.

She shut her eyes and clench her jaw. Her breathing labors as she looks back up at Bill, stopping the dance. He froze. His heart pounding as he watches her closely. Just as he opens his mouth to inquire, she shook her head at him. She raises herself to the tip of her toes and came to face height with him. He just stares in awe at her, unsure of what to do. Her lips part as she whispers, “I… I don’t mind.” Then closes her eyes and waits.

Intense emotions overwhelm Bill as he watches this angelic face lingering patiently for him, desiring his presence. The uncertainty was gone and now replaced with pure nerves. Closing his eyes, he drew his hands from her hips to rest on her sides. He brought her closer and their lips connect in a tender kiss. Together they linger like that, the lights glowing brighter and lyrics growing heavenly. They broke apart from their lips and took a breath, his arms wrap more tightly around her while she rests her head upon his chest, her right hand placed on his belly in delight. This unspoken confession filling that hole she had in her heart. It’s everything she ever wanted it to be, all she could ever want now is to be in his arms.

Jessy’s fists shook on the table as she fought the urge to glare daggers at those two ‘love birds.’ Her anger mounting and mounting, but the tears in her eyes wouldn’t stop dripping onto the table. She sobs, unable to stop the heartbreak from inside. She could only turn away as Samuel gently stood up and walks around the table. His hand rests on her head and caresses her bangs before making his way toward the hallway doors. No matter what though, she just couldn’t bring herself to look at him. Once he was out of earshot, she burst out crying, covering her mouth and placing her head onto the table. She wants to storm up to her sister and slap her in the face. Slap sense into that foolish head of her’s. How could she be so GOD DAMN BLIND! Samantha of all people should know better. Yet she just dances in blissful ignorance.

Jess sniffs, then rub her eyes roughly. This pain is horrible. She loves Samuel, she loves him so much and he knew she did. She didn’t need to say anything and he accepted it. He doesn’t share her feelings, but he accepted her. Through her heartbreak he helped her out of the pain for over a year. He built their friendship and continued to be with her, he sought her friendship. It only made her love him more. Yet Samantha should know him better. Samantha knows Samuel deeply researches things before doing anything. He is that articulate, yet the older sibling didn’t even realize that Samuel had immediately gotten to work on Bill.

She could still hear his sad words when he was on the computer, “Females are less likely to fall for male friends.” After trying to council him, this whole Bill fiasco shot him in the heart. It’s why she was here, to be his support. She couldn’t care less about her sister’s fantasies; it was Samuel who needed her. But she failed. She could feel the heartbreak and knew there is nothing she could do but share it. Her tear-stained eyes glistened in the dark as they peer over to the exit. She could see him standing in the hallway, shaking in tears as he cries his heart out. All she can do is watch in silent tears with a rhythmless heart.

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